Monday, June 11, 2012

Simplicity, Hume Lake, and Wiffle Ball

Last month I spoke at Hume Lake Mother/Daughter retreat. I brought my dear friend Marissa with me, who I met working at Hume Lake in the summer of 1996. And as of Tuesday, she is my next door neighbor!!! So excited about that especially because she won't be smoking pot in her backyard. And said pot will not flow over the fence into my kids' bedrooms. It's the little things. Where was I . . . HUME LAKE!

I did two seminars: one on "Bold Faith: Trusting God with the Hard Stuff"  one called "Simplicity and Contentment: Living the Un-American Dream." There was just a tad of irony and a ton of laughter that there was no space left at the official book table for my books because the main speaker and worship team brought . . .  a lot of stuff. Jesus paraphernalia, if you will. So Marissa and I just jimmy-rigged (well, we just grabbed a chair, but I just wanted to use that word) this jenky (another good word!) book "table" and kept it simple. And laughed some more.

It was even funnier when we came back the next morning to find my amazing book table in shambles. Lucky for us, it was pretty simple to get it back in working order.

Marissa and I had a great weekend. We met some awesome people including Megan Fate Marshman. I when I say awesome - I mean it. Sweet, hilarious, honest, gifted, passionate, lover of Jesus. Her skills on the wiffle ball field were notable and she is my new favorite women's speaker. You can hear why here.
Speaking of wiffle ball . . .
It had been many years (maybe a hundred) since I had played.
I was gonna wear my jeans and running shoes. But then a new friend said, "You're not gonna wear that are you?" She asked me if I brought a headband. You bet I did.
So Marissa and I headed back to our room to find more appropriate wiffling attire.

(Far right is Lauren the "You're not gonna wear that, are you?" friend)

And then we played. I may involuntarily pee my pants when I jump rope, but I still have an ounce of athleticism in this mom bod so I almost nailed a duck in the lake. But there were some women out there . . . probably never touched a bat or a ball. And it was fun. And funny. Especially when one woman ran from second base straight to home. And then we had a woman who was heckling and I named her "Hecks" and then we made her play.

(Front row in purple = "Hecks")

If you can ever get up to Hume Lake Christian Camps for any reason, do it. Even if you have to pretend you're in junior high. And if any of you go up there for the New Year's Family Camp where Kirk Cameron is speaking, can you please verify that he is wearing his green friendship bracelet?
P.S. I used "jimmy rigged, 'if you will,' and jenky" in this post. Trying not to get a big head, but is there a blog award for that kind of vocab?


  1. You are so funny. I would have been totally intimidated by you on the wiffle ball field. Those bunny ears made that outfit pure perfection. AND, am I out of the loop. I don't even own an athletic head band. I may need to add it to my list of things to get.

  2. Well lucky for me, I don't have to pretend to be a Junior Higher to get to Hume Lake... people already think I am one! Last time I was at Hume, I was definitely approached by another older leader on Decision Night to ask if I needed to talk with someone about committing my life to Christ, when really I was just looking around trying to get the attention of a Hume staff member to get a piece of paper to write down the decision one of the girls in my cabin had made. I didn't take any of the attention away from her big decision, at least not intentionally.... :) Can't believe someone thought I was 10 years younger that I actually am... guess I should take the compliment?

  3. Haha! Purple shirt WOULD be the heckler. Good for you for making her play! :)

  4. I love your posts!! They are always so cute. I love the way that you didn't let the book table being full keep you from coming up with your own "book table" I agree I think I would have really been intimidated at your wiffle ball skills!!

  5. I'm glad the pot smoke is leaving. Once we found pot in a hand-me-down baby seat box.... awkward.

    I love your wiffle wear. It is awesome. I LOVE Hume, too.

  6. I have never heard of Hume Lake, sounds like fun. Our outfit deserves an award. Headband? People still wear those? I have been out of the loop since popping out 3 boys, maybe I need to get one, I just started running (ok ok, walking/jogging) again.

  7. That's supposed to be your outfit. Damn iPhone autocorrect. Just glad it didn't autocorrect popping with pooping!
