Thursday, June 07, 2012

"We Bought a Zoo" Party

My Lydia loves animals. So we decided to have a zoo party at our house.

I booked an actual petting zoo to come to our house for an hour and ordered the cake pops by Missy (from a Plum District deal!) in advance. Everything else was thought up and/or purchased 24 hours before the party. Because I am just that Pinteresty. This party could have also been titled "A Playdate on Steroids" party. We had over 20 little girls running around our cul-de-sac and I didn't lose any. 

So here are 17 easy steps to a zoo party for a six-year-old girl!

Activities included:
1. Sidewalk chalk. Mix it with water and you are painting.

2. Bike party.

3. Bike/Scooter washing station.

4. Jump roping station.

5. Watch and wait for the petting zoo to be set up.

6. Pet the animals.

7. Chase the animals. 

8. Ride a pony. (Totally unplanned and unpaid for!)

9. See pregnant ladies. Including blogger and party thrower extraordinaire, Mel. She taught me everything I know about party throwing. I just don't do any of it :) I don't want to upstage her cuz she tries.  God bless her. Maybe one of these days she'll pull of a kid's birthday party.

10. Eat snacks and chat about life and animals.

11. Hug your kindergarten teacher when she comes to the party.

12. Sing happy birthday and eat some cake pops and cupcakes.

13. Tatt it out.

15. Hug your Grandma who helped with all the snacks.

16. Give out awesome party favors. The Hagen staple, party music mix featuring "Christmas Must Be Something More" by Taylor Swift.

17. Prepare to write up a bunch of thank you cards.

Be sure to enter my giveaway for the $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of Totally Desperate Mom. A book of party planning for kids :)


  1. Such a great idea! I love the idea of bringing the zoo to your house. Your sweet girl looks thrilled. : )

  2. What a fun party idea! Looks like the girls had so much fun, too! :) Happy Birthday, Lydia!

  3. What a fun party! I loved the wording on your invitations. Were you at the party :)

  4. That party looks amazing! How on earth did you get a free pony ride?!

  5. What an awesome idea!! Can't believe you pulled that all off so fast! You've got some skills.

    #16 is cracking me up! Christmas? It's not even July yet! :)

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  8. I love planning parties and doing all the party stuff, but what I love more is how you are such a great mom and don't sweat the small stuff. What an inspiration you are Wendy!

  9. I don't care what you did. The fact that you invited 20 little girls to your house makes you a saint. Or insane. Party on, little animal lovers!

  10. This party was so fun, my girls had a blast!

  11. Oh it looks like she had a wonderfully blessed birthday!! What fun!
