Tuesday, July 10, 2012

So I'm Not Pregnant But . . .

So I'm not pregnant, but I got some news. Every once in a while it is important to make irrational decisions. So we got a puppy. Elijah named her "Shiner" in honor of the black eye I gave him. Shiner is a labradoodle. I will post more details later about how and why (because we are crazy) we got her. 
But I have three kids and a puppy so I don't have time to blog anymore. Or do anything else. Except ship out my books from the Plum District orders :)
Deal is over tonight at midnight PST so get your books if you have not already. Three books for $25 and free shipping. Plus 10% goes to Shepherd's Gate in Livermore.


  1. Is Shiner a goldendoodle, by any chance?

  2. i also have three kids and a puppy (a standard goldendoodle)- i understand!!! LOL

  3. Oh my goodness, Shiner is adorable. I think Shiner has already found a way into everyone's hearts and is very much a part of the family now.

  4. Oh my goodness she is so adorable and I love the name!! I hope you sold lots of books!!

  5. Awww, she's adorable!

    We just got a new puppy about a month ago, and I hear ya' with the craziness. It's like having another baby in the house! (I was JUST celebrating that my youngest was potty-trained too - what were we thinking??!)

    At any rate, enjoy!

    (And for those of you who haven't read TDM yet - you want to own it. I couldn't put it down!)

  6. Your kids,look thrilled. Cute puppy. Good luck with house training. I'm sure it will bring all kinds of fun, new experiences.

  7. That sweet face made my insta feed so happy.

    Shiner = cuteness overload.

  8. I wish I could come over and see that puppy. She will become a part of your family really really fast. The kids will remember that time when they got her.

  9. Two things: 1) Shiner is the coolest name ever for a dog. 2) Shiner is ADORABLE!!

  10. Anonymous5:04 AM

    If dogs can be beautiful yours sure is!

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What about Phayce and Banshee" how are they gonna like this? :-)

  12. Oh my gosh how ADORABLE! You're not alone in the land of crazies- we moved last month and two days after getting here, got a 12 week old golden retriever. And as you now know, your life as you know it ends- new baby. Have fun!

  13. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Awe i always wanted one of those breeds of dogs. SO very cute!

  14. Awe, my parents have a labradoodle, she is a MESS but a great dog. We have a 14 year old dog and we have been thinking about getting a goldendoodle when Annie goes to doggie heaven. Glad you took the plunge!

  15. Wendy, your post is very funny to me. I recently had baby fever so I surprised my husband (who's allergic) and three boys with a dog! If you can't have a baby get a dog. Cute dog by the way.
