Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Laugh. For the Children. With my High School Friend.

My friend Andrew from high school is a comedian. Legit. Hilarious. Been on Letterman. And when I say hilarious, I mean it. I have seen him at least five times. Still funny. And I only think a handful of comedians are funny. And I am the judge of funny. Just ask me. And he is gonna be in the Bay Area next month bringing the funny. 

I don't know about the other two guys, Andrew claims they are funny. And they will be clean on this Incredibly Handsome Comedians night. I convinced Andrew to take some of his funds for his "handsome rights" charity and donate them to The Link To Children. You know, the awesome non-profit I blogged about and am helping to fundraise for and that you want to donate goods or crafts or cash to?
So if you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, come on down on October 25th for a night of comedy. 
And be sure to put TLC in the password/coupon code so TLC can get half of the ticket sales!
Go buy those tickets!

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