Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Leaving the Youth Group for Hollywood

If you are new to my blog, on Wednesdays I post about my experience in Hollywood as a former child/teen actress. If you want to start at the beginning of these posts go here.

This is a rerun.
I left for Hollywood at the end of 8th grade and returned sometime in the fall where I attended regular high school for part of my freshman year. I also returned to my home church where I was active in the youth group, "The Rock."

I had great(?) youth pastors (Peter Hiett and Matt Skinner) who loved me and kidnapped me. They were affectionally known around town as "Rock Gestapo." They showed up at my house and threw me in their kidnapper car. They dressed in trench coats, wore panty hose over their heads, had fake guns and spoke with thick Russianish accents. Where were my parents? They wrapped me in a garbage bag and duct taped me to a chair in front of the local grocery store and forced me to sign autographs for money. They crafted a lovely sign and taped it to me. It read: "Famous autograph of bubbly teen star Wendy Cox. 50 cents."

Here is Matt's (he is a seminary professor now) recollection of the events:
Wendy, you had recently appeared on "Circus with the Stars," doing a trapeze act. Peter and I watched it (on camera) and talked about what a fancy star you had become, and we were determined to bring you back to humility. As I remember it, some of it was contrived. We threatened to torture you with a garlic press, a strawberry huller, and other random things we found in the kitchen.
We made millions that day. Or was it $1? Finally we "decided" to take you to the Lucky store and leave you there tied up. We had a "hidden" camera. I remember some old ladies giving us the evil eye..."

Here is what Peter had to say (He pastors a church in Colorado):
"It was Matt and I that kidnapped you. Were we trying to raise money for camp or something? Or were we just punishing you for not showing up at youth group because you went off to become “famous?” Maybe we were doing both and filming it for youth group. I know that we were dressed as the Rock Gestapo. I know that some people were freaking out at Lucky’s (Dang, post 9-11, we’d get shot at). I also remember that we picked you because we thought you were a great sport and we wanted to “Gestapo” a girl for a change… You know, abuse a girl in order to be fair and politically correct etc."

And that, my friends, is where I got my foundation for the faith I have today. Seriously. These guys were awesome. Not just for their kidnapping skillz or the raw fish smoothies they drank in front of the group. Not just for the mohawk Peter got when we brought 100 kids to our Monday night meeting. Not just for bringing industrial leaf blowers into a kid's bedroom to wake him up in the morning. Their lawsuit worthy actions were just a reflection of the time and investment and love they poured into thousands of lives. Their passion for God was evident in their teaching and the way lived their lives. If you were a victim, I mean, beneficiary of one of these guys, feel free to leave your kudos for them in the comment section and I will be sure they see them. Whatever it takes. Maybe I will finally get some use out of my pantyhose.


  1. We were so lucky to have Peter & Matt as youth pastors....they would NEVER have been able to pull off half the stuff they pulled off in those days. Glad you survived the Gustapo & lived to write about it! And, I love the picture. I am still searching for the picture of you signing autographs at Pizza Machine.....

  2. I am so thankful for Matt and Peter. God used them in great ways in my life and in so many other lives as well. Now being a married guy with kids I know how much time it takes to hang out with High School folks and it is very tough balance. Their wives also deserve a lot of credit for allowing them to serve and be gone so much. Thanks Wendy for reminding me of some of the fun times we got to have at youth group. I agree with Mel, we were very lucky.

  3. Hi Wendy, You don't know me but I was a wee freshmen when you were making your way out of Rock, so I of course knew you :) Anyway, your re-counts of Rock days made me laugh and brought me way back. I too am so thankful for the crazy days of that youth group and it's leaders, funny who and what the Lord uses to capture our hearts!

  4. I don't know these particular youth leaders, but I had my own torturers of kids, I mean youth leaders, in high school. My favorite stunt was a skit we filmed in the Northridge mall with one youth leader who bore an uncanny resemblance to Vanilla Ice at the height of his fame. Several other students and I were to be his adoring fans, fawning over him and calling as much attention to ourselves as possible.
