Sunday, April 11, 2010

Showcase Your Dirty Minivan Here!

This year I have decided to introduce Mr. Linky to Dirty MiniVan competition. I have never had a relationship with him before, but thought I would give him a chance even though his name kind of creeps me out. But by using him, all you fierce Dirty Minivan contestants can just do your own link to your blog post about your pimped out, dirty vehicle. You don't need to email me any photos (unless you don't have a blog) because Mr. Linky will just take people to your post, which will give me more time to go to imaginary/fake/virtual parties.

Let me remind you of the very serious and important rules:
Please display the pics of your sweet vehicle on your own blog and link it below with Mr. Linky. If you do not have a blog please email me your photos and I will showcase your pride and joy for you.
Your entries are due by April 15th. Don't start voting until the 16th. There is no "I just cleaned out my car excuse" because certainly by April 15th you will have restocked it again.
After you go check out the submissions leave a comment here with your vote (between April 16th and April 25th) and any commentary you feel is helpful to sway other voters. If you entered the competition, you must vote or else I will come to your house and clean your car. You may vote for yourself because all the Presidents do it.
The winner will be announced on Monday, April 26th although it may be pretty obvious as to who the winner is seeing that you are probably capable of counting comments. Nevertheless, the official announcement will be Monday. On CNN.
Reigning champ Mel has found the rubber chicken and will pass it along to this year's winner. Unless she wins again in which case she will display it on her fireplace all year long.
Additionally, my friend Michelle has offered up a $40 credit to her Scentsy store! You may remember Michelle's Roach Mobile from last year's competition. It was so clean you could eat off the floors - as long as you like deadly spiders, roaches, and disco carpet flooring.
If you live outside of the United States I welcome your participation I totally like you (especially if you have an accent), but your are ineligible for the prizes because well . . . I don't want to pay the shipping costs.
Please link this post to your blog (even if you are not a competitor) so we can get some serious competition going. This is no joke.

Let's get this party started. Her is a sneak peek at Barbies DMV. Not trying to give Barbie an unfair advantage or anything, but she was the first one to post!
The rest of you? Get those posts up and sign up with Mr. Linky!

If you need more motivation . . . here's the rubber chicken prize (cute girl not included although there have certainly been moments where I thought about throwing her in as a bonus prize). Now get after it!

P.S. If you are reading this and your heart is pounding and you are thinking that you know you could win this thing, but are too embarrassed of too ashamed of your ride . . . I'm not gonna say that is the Holy Spirit or anything, but it's probably a good indicator that you should enter this contest. There is no shame. There is only love. The way I see it, the dirtier your car is the more you love your kids. That might even be in the Bible but I just have not found the exact verse yet.

Here is contestant #0, Janie Taylor
She doesn't have blog (Janie, I think this car is proof you are ready to start one) to link to so she emailed me pics and commentary:

Napkin love

A starbucks cup and a Red Bull because a Mom of 4 needs her energy.

Another red bull can and coke can from my 15 yr old who has a hormonal sleep deficiency... Teenagers...*rolling eyes*

School lunch from my kindergartner because we might just get hungry later!

A family tree project from last week just in case we need to look up family history while driving.

A backpack, diaperbag, and sweaters, just in case we get to school and realize we forgot to dress for the 50 degree temps that morning, I swear keeping a wardrobe in the car has come in handy many times! I do this on purpose ... Well ok maybe not, but at least it sounds like I'm a prepared mommy!

And finally- shoes (and a headrest)! Because there have been countless time when we have arrived at our destinations only to find that my 6-year-old "hippie child" is not wearing shoes . . . i.e. the first day of school. Not kidding! True story. So this very important item wraps up my pics of my DHP (Dirty Honda Pilot). I am so prepared because I love my kids so much!!! :)


  1. You crack me up... I can't wait to see the entries. It will be motivation for me to clean out my ride.

  2. I sent you an email message about a "potential" button/badge for this. :)

    Waiting for the sun to shine some more so I can get the BEST pictures of the DIRTIEST minivan! ;)

  3. Thanks Anita! I will try and get it up tonight when the natives are sleeping.

  4. You are a crack up! Thank you for the advice on my post, it was SOOOO appreciated! And I love your blog, seriously LOVE it =)

  5. I just posted my pics...and feel so exposed. Really I think I'd rather get a tooth filled than let people see my messy car!

  6. If there is a direct correlation between the amount of love you have for your kids and the mess in your car...CPS might be on their way to my house. I love to see the contest but don't have enough xanax in the world to let my car get to that point! But I think after 25+ years knowing me, you figured that out!

  7. I just posted and I feel very very dirty.

  8. Man, I SO could've won this a couple of weeks ago....but we sold our van so my hubby could get a 4 door truck which MEANS I'm no longer a mini-van mama! Instead I got his Infiniti which I keep quite clean :) Bummer.

  9. OMGOSH AWWWWWWW!!!!!! If you see my car. I'm just to embarrased to show it.

  10. This is the most encouraged I have been all day! Thanks for the laugh! Great idea! No shame, just love! Oh that is awesome!

  11. I'm going to enter, but I almost feel it's pointless....the competition is much more fierce this year!!!!!

  12. Allrighty....the competition is on! Here is my entry! Who is going to de-throne me & become the new reigning DMV'er?

  13. I have given you an award but you have to visit my page to find out all about it!

  14. Looks like home to me, just push the stuff aside and get everyone in, chances are we are already late. But my is not the mini van, my is the 15 passenger Van, so there is even more space to fill with all our junk (stuff) and more seats to melt crayons on.

  15. SRSLY?
    Going outside to take pics now.
    Will post and link by tonight to meet the deadline.
    It's a tough competition this year...but my car is
    The Holy Spirit made me do it.

  16. I'll come out of stalkdom since you keep posting on my blog to draw me out. :) I love your family antics, and so do many of my friends who now stalk you too. I entered my DMV, but since it's only 2 weeks old, it's a long-shot. Surely just being able to enter with a 2 week old van says something, right?!

  17. Oh my word! As a professional organizer I could only look at the first two without hyperventilating LOL thanks for keeping it real!

  18. can i vote yet? anita would be my number one but cookie mondays is a close second due to the crumb factor...

  19. Okay...Kevin made me add 2 more pictures to my post that he took this morning.

  20. putting up post right now! I thought I wouldn't be a contender after looking at some of the others, but well, yah, I'm a contender. i showed my husband the links to the other DMV's...let's just say he had a disgusted look on his face. ha!

  21. I'm a spaz.
    My SECOND entry is the one that links to the exact MY ICKY DMV post.
    The first one just links to plain wrap BUB.

  22. My vote goes to Erin! I love all the junk, but since I married into football craziness my husband would leave me if I didn't vote for the DMV that has a BRONCOS blanket...especially since she lives in California! :)
    And I wish I'd gone downstairs to take pictures of my car...even though I had it cleaned a month ago before the baby was born, I could still be in the running! :)

  23. totally voting for erin @ BUB. the ghetto-port-a-potty did me in!!! =)

  24. The one with the dried, curdled milk by the cupholder gets my vote. Ewwww.

    BTW, I did find out that the enzyme cleaner you use to get rid of cat pee stains gets rid of the sour milk smell, too. Who knew?

  25. My vote is split between Anita & Erin. I couldn't even tell what I was looking at in Anita's picture's - that's extra points right there.

    But Erin's trashy showgirl was pretty awesome too. The hanging dog leash and potty on the go....good stuff.

    Although Heather's crumbilicious car was pretty amazing. That was A LOT of stuff in a small car.

    Anita. Anita gets my vote. The fact that her daughter scratched her name in her car with a rock, screams mom-mobile. And she didn't disappoint with the interior. Anita's got her filth on. Go Anita!

  26. Okay, while I should vote for my own, I'm gonna go ahead and give it to MEL, just to up the chances of a rubber chicken as a living room accessory. In her brand new home. For a whole year.

  27. TEAM ERIN!
    Seriously? Ghetto potty AND beer in a can?

    Half wiped up spill... not even wiped up by her but by her 2 year old?


  28. Hands down....TEAM ERIN!

    If you win the rubber chicken - DO NOT put in your car ;)

    Funny! Funny!

  29. I was so firm on voting for Heather (and then lending her my vacuum cleaner) UNTIL I revisited Mel's post after she added the two pictures Kevin took.

    It's Mel. Hands down.

    And I don't think my vacuum is strong enough to help that back seat.

  30. After looking at the competition, I'm proud to say that my entry was not much of a contender. Give me a couple more kids and I'd have it in the bag! :) I vote for Anita...seriously had a difficult time decifering all the treasures in her DMV :) But if it's laughs we were voting on, Erin's post was HIL-ARIOUS!

  31. Gotta go with Anita, though it was a tough choice. Mel would have been my second choice - I've had sour milk cups in the minivan before, but they've at least contained their contents.

    I do think Kristen deserves an Honorable Mention for making such a good start in just two weeks - she'll make a formidable competitor next year!

  32. I'm glad to find out my van is not the only sweet ride of messiness out there. :-P

  33. Gonna go with Erin on this one.

  34. so, let the record show that i clicked on every blog and read every post... i had many favorites and even felt that there were a few ties... until the very last photo on Erin's post. The McDonald's cup sealed the deal for my vote. That is too awesome! GO ERIN!!!

  35. voting for Erin!

  36. I know you said to vote for yourself, but let's face it, my freshly vacuumed, junk-filled DMV didn't stand a chance. :) I vote for Erin!

  37. I think I've gotta vote for Anita but Erin was a close second! Those are very impressive vans!!

  38. Uh. Yeah. The Porta Potty gets my vote! Erin!

    I'm not showin my van.

  39. I gotta go with Erin. Anita was a VERY, VERY, VERY close 2nd, but the porta potty put her over the top!

  40. since i was a bit early on the voting, i'm actually going to toss in another one for Erin now that I've caught up. She's my number one, Anita's was still impressive so I'd give her an honorable mention...

  41. OK, Erin's "porta potty" central console deserves definite points in this competition. It's a close one. BUT - I've got to vote for Anita. Her van is seriously trashed and dirty. It's way far gone.

  42. My thanks to Tiffany and Jennifer for voting for me! And, thanks to Mel and Jamie for the VERY close second and the honorable mention!

    (There aren't blogs listed for all of you, so I thought I'd share my thanks here.) :)
