Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Road Trippin' with My 3-year-old, Part 1

A few years ago Lydia and I went on an 8-day trip to Southern California. We stayed at my different houses, visited many friends, I spoke at several churches, and we went to Disneyland.

This time it was Jordis's turn to be my roadie.

We traveled over 1000 miles in my dirty minivan over 7 days.
We stayed at four different houses and shared a room and/or bed. Loved it.
I visited with as many friends as we could fit in.
I spoke at three different churches in Orange County.
We spent a day at Disneyland and California adventure.
I had an ice blended mocha from The Coffee Bean three times.
It was awesome and memorable.
Next up? Elijah. Not sure when or where but he is ready and waiting.

We left a day early and took 101 instead of 5 because of wind, rain, and snow. With 5 hours noticed I called my Aunt and Uncle in Arroyo Grande and off we went.

I jogged around their driveway and Jordis, Uncle Mike, and Stella the dog paced me in the golf cart. They could hardly keep up with my 11-12 minute miles.

My Aunt Leslie should change her name to Pinterest. If she was on it or even knew what it was she would totally dominate you. You would want to pin her face off.
Chicken in a basket. Just basic stuff.

They have an incredible yard. If you remember anything in the world, you might remember their garden.

And it wouldn't be a trip to AG with out a stop at The Bean. Ice Blended Mocha heaven.

Then we visited my old school friend Brooke and her family.

We stayed with Carol-Ann and her crew and then headed for the OC. Stay tuned . . . because this short series could knock your socks off. Or bore you to death. Better come back to find out.


  1. Sounds like fun. Did you see any Real Housewives of the OC? lol

  2. How FUN! I can't wait to hear more. I love your brown hair. I know you changed it a while ago, but just had to say it. :}

  3. You crack me up! Really enjoyed hearing you speak and am grateful for the opportunity to hear your story. I laughed out loud at your Pinterest comment, especially since I just posted on my blog all about Pinterest! It's a sickness.

    ~ Ferly
    Gifts We Use {to grow, love and serve}

  4. Sounds like a great trip! So neat that you are taking these opportunities with your littles!! They will cherish those memories!

    You'll have to let me know when you are in AG for longer sometime!! :)

  5. Oh what an awesome thing to do with your children! What cool memories you are making and I am looking forward to part two.
