Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011 - Get Your Fake Party On

Welcome to Tales from the Motherhood and Confessions of a Former Childhood Actress . . .

Last year I gave up on having a real social life and decided to attend a virtual blog party. Totally weird - especially because it was actually kind of fun. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep from last year's fake rager.

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Let's cut to the chase virtual people . . .
1. If you don't really give a rip about me or my blog or my dirty minivan and just want a prize, then scroll down and see how easy it is for you to win $100 gift card to Amazon and a copy of my book Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood.

2. If you have money falling from the sky and use gift cards as mere bookmarks and are simply looking for a little love and affirmation by way of people commenting on your blog then scroll down and leave me a comment. I will visit your blog and leave you a comment even if it's only "Do you come here often?" Do you really need more than that?

But if you really like to virtual party and read blogs then allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Wendy, otherwise known as the Totally Desperate Mom. Not desperate like Desperate Housewives, but desperate to be the best mom to my Elijah (7), Lydia (almost 5), and Jordis (2 1/2).

Desperate to be an awesome wife to my man Shiloh. We have been married almost 13 years.

Every 13 years I get my hair and makeup done and this is what I look like. But a lot of days I look more like this:

I usually like my husband, but sometimes I don't. Like when I'm hormonal and pregnant and we are on our 10-year anniversary trip and he calls me Fatty Arms. Oops. I pay him back for that comment by telling women about it when I speak at women's events or MOPS groups. You can hear the whole story here:

I'm a Totally Desperate Mom cuz my almost 5 year-old, strong-willed daughter still pees her pants on a regular basis "just a little bit". My 2 1/2 year-old is newly potty trained and copies everything her sister does . . . just a little bit.

I am a Totally Desperate Mom cuz it is hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, cleaning up cat throw up, and homework. And when I let the homework go unattended it looks like this:

I am a Totally Desperate Mom because I do not sew or make fancy crafts, but I like admiring that junk on other people's blogs.

I am a Totally Desperate Mom cuz sometimes I have MBDs (mental breakdown days) and just need a break.

I am a Totally Desperate Mom cuz motherhood is the hardest, best job in the world.
You feel me?

So a lot of days I blog about that stuff. Honest, raw, hilarious, gross, classic stuff from the motherhood. You'll probably leave feeling better about yourself. And if you think you don't have room for more blogs in your life you might just want to check in here around Christmas time. Cuz that's when I post my family's worst family photos. I mean, who doesn't enjoy feeling better about themselves by seeing OPU (Other People's Ugly)?

And if you are up for a little random in your life . . . Wednesdays I post about my experiences as a child/teen actress.
Here's the snapshot into that action:
When I was 9 years old I looked in the yellow pages, called an agent, and left a message on their answering machine. Unbeknownst to my parents. That started my acting career which eventually led me to Hollywood after starring in numerous national commercials and print jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area. When I was 14, I got a starring role on the syndicated series The New Lassie. Moved to Hollywood, lived with friends of the family, filmed 48 episodes of the show at Universal Studios, guest starred in some other shows, and didn't go night clubbin' with my mom . . . or anyone else.
Here is a clip from The Wonder Years when I guest starred as Kevin's annoying and overbearing girlfriend, Julie Aidem:

And here are a few pics from my Hollywood days:
Circus of the Stars in 1990 with Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Jocelyn Peden

With Paul Walker

With a bunch of other young actors. Jason Marsden (red shirt), Christina Nigra (awesome neon cowgirl), and David Moscow (behind the tree in a sweet Gotcha sweatshirt) all did guest posts for me. And I have recently re-connected with Alyson Hannigan (baggy purple, green, and navy blue shirt) who I met on the Lassie audition over 22 years ago!

I left Hollywood and returned to my hometown so I could have a normal senior year of high school. Went on to UCLA, met my husband, got married, worked in real estate, taught group exercise classes, had some kids (including one sweet baby girl named Faith who ditched us for heaven after 4 days with us).

Last year, in a moment of temporary insanity I decided to write Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood. Humor and encouragement for moms with little ones. When you are not busy fake parting, you can read the first chapter to see if it's worth your time. If you like it, you can buy it directly through me, on Amazon, or request it at your local Christian bookstore.

Speaking of Christian bookstores, I love Jesus. I don't blog about spiritual stuff a lot, but every now and then I bring it. You've been warned.

Congratulations if you survived that long post. You sure know how to party. Or maybe you are just really good at scrolling fast to get to the goods. Either way, you have some skillz.

Here is how to win a $100 gift card to Amazon.

1. Leave a comment. Any ol' comment will do. But I would love to hear if we have anything in common or a random fact about yourself and a link to your blog. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you are a winnner.

2. Follow this blog publicly. Don't be ashamed. Then leave a comment letting me know you did.

3. Follow me on Twitter. Then leave a comment letting me know you did. And just so you know, chances are good that I won't automatically follow you back. Here's why. Nothing personal.

4. Become a fan/liker of Totally Desperate Mom on facebook. Then leave a comment letting me know you did. Don't worry I won't clutter up your facebook page with a bunch of lame status updates. Only a few here and there. But I promise you - they will be lame.

5. Good for three entries: Purchase a copy of Totally Desperate Mom through my website or on Amazon and then leave 3 comments letting me you did. If you have already purchased a book just leave 3 comments letting me know you did. You won't be sorry because even if you don't like the book you can pass it along as a baby shower gift for someone else who you don't really like, but felt obligated to attend her baby shower. Or you could let your child use it as a coloring book or practice using scissors on it. So versatile.

*If after a month if this blog bores you, or you actually never read it, or my tweets bug - feel free to drop kick me in a month. I don't want to force you to be in this relationship under prize-induced duress.

Get your entries in by April 8th by 9pm PST. I will announce the winner on April 9th.

Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to further participate in this virtual partying! There are more prizes. I even threw in a $100 gift card to Target over there.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I am totally jealous that you met "Zach" and even took a picture with him. :)

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I follow your blog!

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I follow you on twitter. :)

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I like you on Facebook.

  5. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I bought your book on Amazon - LOVED IT!

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I bought your book on Amazon - and gave it away on my blog - that's how much I loved it!

  7. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I bought your book on Amazon - and will buy it for every new mom friend for the rest of my life.

  8. Love reading, you crack me up! The homework is hilarious. Bodily functions seem to make my kids (all kids really) laugh hysterically. Kieran passed gas at his 5 year check up this week and announced to the doctor that he farted. While playing the Wii, he announced that the figure bending over looked like a big penis (he kinda did, haha! Tried hard not to laugh!) And, currently as I write this, they are laughing their heads off, talking about diapers, poop and diarrhea. I feel ya!

  9. Like you on Facebook :)

  10. Already follow your blog :)

  11. Love the pics. Love seeing all of the pics with the stars as well! So many familiar faces!

  12. Follow your blog :)

  13. And your twitter :) Love it all!

  14. Hi! I'm Emily and I blog at The Pilot's Wife I lived in CA for a few years (San Luis Obispo) so I guess we have that in common!

  15. I already subscribed to your blog so that should totally count for double right? ;)

  16. And I follow you on twitter now too. I'm @emilypilotswife (and I'm soo not annoying. I mean, I don't think so anyway.)

  17. Hahaha! I love this post! I have been reading you for about a year and I didn't know some of this stuff about you! And I totally missed David Moscow's guest post. Off to read that now!

  18. you are so sweet to do this fun party!
    i follow your blog/tweets, and i bought your book yesterday! i'm just entering with this one comment. i really only wanted you to know that i have been laughing out loud over your son's homework page. SOLID GOLD!!!


  19. I love reading your blog. It is so very honest, humbling and entertaining. You have checked out my blog a few times in the past, but here it is again (just in case): Oh, and I totally share your views on "following" blogs publicly... If you are going to creep - might as well keep it honest. Can't wait to keep reading!! :)

  20. I liked you on fb... I LOVE OUR BLOG!

  21. Anonymous8:51 PM

    That family photo is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen :) Love your blog!

  22. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I also follow your blog!

  23. and follow you on twitter :)

  24. I love reading your blog:) It's funny and real. (and I follow you on twitter too!)

  25. i don't think i can get my act together enough to do this. i'm drowning over hereeeeee. next year. for sure. but i love you. and your taste in black ruffly shirts.

  26. I seriously laugh out loud (LOL) when I read your blog. :) Thanks!

  27. I also follow you on Facebook... however, I don't "do" twitter, because I don't understand how it is different from Facebook and that already wastes at least 2 hours of my precious awake time. ;)

  28. Wendy, you crack me up. :)
    I *love* Elijah's homework. LOVE IT. Tell me you saved it somewhere safe. I'm thinking fire-proof box, perhaps. :)

  29. Liked you on FB.
    (I like you in real life, too.)

  30. Already follow you on twitter... does that count?

  31. I bought your book for my Kindle. (1 of 3)

  32. I bought your book for my Kindle (2 of 3)

  33. I bought your book for my Kindle (3 of 3)

  34. I met you at MOPS in Fremont sometime last month and LOVED everything you said!

  35. I now officially "follow" your blog.

  36. I don't tweet, but I like you on Facebook!

  37. I bought your book at MOPS!

  38. After buying your book I read it in under a week. (No small feat for a mom of a crazy 11-month old who runs everywhere)

  39. I also blogged about your book on my blog:

  40. Omg! You are hilarious. You wanted a random fact or shared item, so, um, here goes... I used to model before I traded it all in for marriage, vomit, kids, pups and books. Fun stuff.

  41. Haha..this was great!!! I love honest feelings!! I am not sure if we have anything in common..except for the fact that my dream job would be acting..but before I could graduate college and move to the big ole' Hollywood or NYC..I got married and we had some babies. By some..I mean 5..all 3 and under! My husband and I have two sets of twins that are 10 months apart and another single babe that is 18 months younger than the youngest twins! :) My blog is

  42. Oh yes..I follow your blog!

  43. I am already a fan/liker on Facebook! :D

  44. I loved the part about your childs homework, it was funny, my 11 and 10 year olds were cracking up

  45. I follow you through GFC under Lupita Soto...

  46. Follow you on twitter under LupitaS123..

  47. Very fun party post. I just loved it. Thank for partying with us this week ;) I love the Fatty Arms story. Really. It is just too funny.

    Stop by my blog anytime:
    Long Wait For Isabella

  48. I follow you on Twitter. @longwait4bella is my username

    Long Wait For Isabella

  49. Already a fan of Totally Desperate Mom on facebook under Lupita Soto..

  50. OMG that is Zach!!! Jealous!!! Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party! It is so nice to "meet" you. I hope you're having a great day. I'm following now so I'll see you around!

  51. Following on Twitter as @TheCraftyHippo

  52. Liking on FB as Jeannette Aurora.

  53. Love the homework assignment! Hilarious!

  54. I'm now a follower.

  55. Anonymous4:45 AM

    I can't believe it's been a year since the last party!!! Totally enjoyed your blog this whole time. Hope you get many new followers, Wendy. :)

  56. Looking forward to following along! I'm a follower of Christ, navy wife, and mother!

  57. I love your blog, not because your adventures make me feel better about myself, but because you speak the truth about Motherhood. It is messy, but it is worth it. Thanks for reminding me of that in TDM moment!

  58. I follow your blog!

  59. I like you on FB!

  60. Wow! It must have been really exciting to be a child actress. My grandfather was an actor (he starred mainly in foreign films although he did do one American film with Sophia Loren). It's pretty cool to have all the memorabilia!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  61. I like Totally Desperate Mom on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  62. Hi! Thanks for hosting a blog party :) Here's my random fact- today, I'm drinking French Toast Coffee, and it's so yum. Also, I started following your blog bc of your posts about your "sordid" Hollywood past :) but all your other stuff is inspring and hilarious as well.

  63. I follow your blog!

  64. I followed you on Twitter (i'm jeskuhbs).

  65. AAAAND.... I like you on Facebook. Which isn't nearly as creepy as it sounds.

  66. ROFL - loving the homework assignment. CLASSIC!
    Totally know the strong-willed 5-year-old thing....but mine is a boy which adds a whole 'nother dimension of crazy!

    I NEED to read your book....this Mama is pretty darn desperate. And I know that I shouldn't delight and revel in the pain of other moms, but DANG IT, I'm glad I'm not the only one! (sorry!)

    It was fun hanging at your party! =)

  67. I follow you on Twitter....

    (@MomKaboodle) Oh, and I was looking for your hubby's funky new do' pic on the party post! =)

    sdakin105 at

  68. Publicly follow your blog. =)

  69. Love your blog as always! ;)

  70. Proudly follow your blog!

  71. I actually won your book on a blog giveaway and that's how I found you and your blog! Love the book and the blog! ;)

    Since I didn't actually buy the book I am only putting one comment up and you don't even have to count it for the giveaway...just wanted you to know that I have your book and love it!

  72. Such a FUN post!! Happy UBP'11 week!! :)

  73. I am laughing at the "p" picture. That is totally something one of my kids would do. :)

  74. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Random fact about me: I do not drink coffee or alcohol either. I never thought I would actually hear anyone else say that :)

  75. I found your blog from The Larson Lingo a while ago and I love it! You make me laugha nd help me know I am not the only person that doesn't have a perfect life!

  76. And I follow your blog!

  77. I love how real you talk about the motherhood in your blog and book!

  78. You got moxie girl!!

    I once sent away for the Columbia Records Club when I was about 8. You had to tape a penny to the card and send back free of charge.


  79. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I followed you publicly on GFC!!


  80. Ah Zack from Saved by the Bell and Paul Walker......

    Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
    Hope you’ll visit my party:

  81. new google friend follower!

  82. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Followed you on Twitter

  83. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Liked you on FB

  84. I think we all have mental breakdown days. It is all part of being a mother.

  85. I really enjoyed reading (most of!) your post. It's so good to meet you and your family and get to know you guys. Your writing is refreshing, honest and humorous. I'm glad I popped by from UBP11!

  86. The homework pic made me laugh! Smart kid you have :) I would love to enter the giveaway, and I am a new follower!

  87. I am a new follower from the Ultimate Blog Party!!! Nice to meet you!!

    Zach was my first crush!! Man I am jealous!!


  88. What a fun fake party!

  89. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Your post has me laughing and smiling. I enjoyed reading it. I am stopping by from the UBP11 and now following. :-) Thanks for the laugh.

  90. I actually remember seeing that Wonder Years episode on rerun just the other week. You were a little clingy (haha!)

    Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party!

  91. Stopping by from UPB11. Great to meet you!

    I too am jealous that you met Mark Paul! Wow. You've had quite a variety in your life.

    There are so many fun blogs to visit! If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:

    You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post)

    Have a great weekend!

  92. That homework made me laugh out loud! It is so something my daughter would do too! I've been forwarned (:

  93. Oh my word. Elijah's homework made me laugh out loud! That was awesome. Never a dull moment! :)

  94. I do follow your blog too as you know. ;)

  95. I don't do twitter because I don't understand it, and also because I don't see how it's different than a facebook status....but I DO follow you on facebook. :)

  96. So totally and completely love your honesty and your humor! This is my first year hearing about the Blog Party. Hope you have a great time!

  97. Following your blog.

    Mine is

  98. So, here's the deal.

    I don't know how you found me, but you did, and you left a comment.

    My world changed for the better that day!

    Okay, maybe that is a bit dramatic...but I have done nothing but scour your blog and laugh my larger-than-it-should-be bottom off since.

    So glad to know this blog. I immediately added you to my reader, but I shall follow you on HERE now.

    Thanks for the giveaway...but gift card or not, you're not getting rid of me (and my very full house) anytime soon.

  99. Officially a follower.

  100. One little birthday party invitation in 10th grade has given me a friend in you that has been a joy and inspiration for way too many years to mention. I totally think you rock and am so so proud to call you my friend.

  101. I love to read and follow the bloggage!

  102. Just started the Twittering and started following you too!

  103. Alrighty. Got all set up following you on Twitter too.

  104. I don't just Like you, I Like Like you on FB.

  105. Didn't know there was another totally desperate mom on FB besides myself. But I'm now a fan!

  106. I bought your book, read it, laughed, cried, and realized that we are all just trying to do the best we can. because of you I try really hard to be more fun and less type A, OCD, uptight.

  107. Bought your book and shared it with a pregnant friend of mine and she loved it too.

  108. Bought your book, shared it with friend, and have not gotten it back yet so may have to head over to said friend's house and bring the Guido in order to get personally autographed book back from her.

  109. I actually kind of wish this wasn't a giveaway post because I was going to comment regardless - it was an awesome post in many respects!
    First, I LOVE the homework picture, thank you for sharing the silly and mortifying things about your life (at least, I would have been mortified and laughing out loud at the same time!).
    And I have a fondness in my heart for Alyson Hannigan since my husband and I became Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans a couple years ago.
    I love your blog and follow it in my google reader, so I am able to keep up with it everyday. You always evoke SOMETHING in me whether it's a smile, laugh, tears, or reassurance! haha

  110. What the heck... I'll join in the attempts to win your book, which I would probably enjoy EVEN more than the amazon giftcard! :)
    I follow you on facebook

  111. And now I follow you on google friends! :)

  112. OMG!!!! You crack me up!!! I am totally following you. I clicked over cuz of your giveaway, but now I don't even care about it. I need laughter in my life, so I'm gonna follow you anyways. OK, I admit. that didn't sound nice, but I meant it nicely. Promise. :)

  113. wow, what a blessing you have been today. Love your premise!

    So i am Mary....Your video about your husband cracked me up and also hit really close to home Because my husband has the same "way with words"

  114. I followed your blog on FB

  115. and I followed your blog publicly

  116. First of all, you know I think you are RAD. I am throwing out that word after being inspired by the Gotcha sweatshirt. How I loved Gotcha, Maui and Sons and Stussy. I am still laughing about the homework. I think I might have peed my pants. just a little. :)

  117. I actually stopped and read this whole post...because it was interesting and I "get" your humor :). What do we have in common? One of my interests is filmmaking. Oh! Writing! I write all the time. I'm a freelance writer and an aspiring author. And I'm 17.

    I posted 10 random facts about myself on my blog so you'll have to stop by if you want random facts about me ;).

    (Unless you count all of the above as being random...)

  118. Anonymous5:02 PM

    You are a riot! I am going to like this place!


  119. Loved reading your blog! this was my first visit. I will have to come back often for that always needed smile!

  120. I "liked" you on facebook - at least I think I did. It might have been my son's page.... but after Easter (when Lent is over), I will check it out and make sure you are officially liked on my page. :)

  121. Ordered your book from Amazon.....

  122. Waiting for the book from Amazon.......

  123. STiiilllll waiting for that book to arrive from Amazon!

  124. Christina - - Your site is lovely and we have a little in common in that I did a local television program about the arts for many years. However at heart I'm a poet/artist and now do book, music and movie reviews on the web to support my creative efforts. I don't have a blog of my own but am glad I came in contact with yours at UBP 2011!

  125. I have loved your blog since the day I found it. I follow your blog for a lot of reasons, one being that I like seeing the world the way you do. Does that sound weird?
    Anyway, you very kindly left a comment on my blog a while ago. It made my day!
    Anyway, you are great and you point people to Jesus in such a fun and loving way.

  126. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Hello pretty mamma!

  127. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I am a blog wannabe. Uh, I mean, follower.

  128. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I bought your book on Amazon. I am loving it! (I'm very slow. Don't hold it against me!)

  129. Anonymous8:11 PM

    My besties love it!

  130. Anonymous8:11 PM

    My sis-in-law loves her copy, too!

  131. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I follow you on twitter, too!

  132. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I love the wonder years!!! Very awesome show! I'm not sure that we have anything in common, but just reading this post makes me <3 your blog! So I am now following, btw I am stopping by from the UBP.

  133. You got to play Kevin Arnold's GF.. that makes me a MUY Jealous Mocha Princess!!!! He was my ideal man!

  134. I am a new follower of your blog!

  135. Hi! Just stopping by on the UBP11 Tour! Nice to meet you and I love your site. YOU ARE FREAKIN' HILARIOUS!!!!!!

    I have signed up to follow you and hope you'll do the same for me!

    I own an online COOKING STORE FOR KIDS called BITE SIZE CHEF and would love for you to stop by!

    We also have a blog called Little Bites

    And, of course you can find us on FACEBOOK AND TWITTER @BiteSizeChef.

    So nice to meet you and hope to chat with you soon!


  136. My husband, Paul, knew you and Shiloh at Bel Air Pres, and Marissa M. gave me your book at the CHARGE Reunion this past summer. I enjoyed it, and get a kick out of your blog when I check in. You are a pretty funny gal! lauren sobaje at gmail dot com

  137. Now I follow you on Twitter too! But I always forget about Twitter. I'm a FB girl.

  138. And now... I like you on FB. We really have to jump through hoops to convince you that we like you, huh? :) We like you! We really like you!!!

  139. Found you thru the UBP and so glad I did! Your video about 'fatty arms' was hilarious... and how cool some of the big names you know. :)

  140. Follow you on Twitter- @susiebhomemaker

  141. Love, love your adding it to my sidebar.....first time today

    so happy to find your blog...what a fun party
    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a jumping through hoops.

  142. I'm totally your newest follower because I remember watching "The New Lassie" when I was little! So neat! I also love that Kevin has a popped collar on his shirt all those years ago, guys who wear it like that today are probably unaware it started on The Wonder Years! haha! It's good to see that not all child actors turn out with crazy lives...that you have a great little family and have been successful as an adult in making a good life!

    Have fun partying it up this year at the UBP 2011! I know I am!

  143. Trying the link-thing again to see if it works this time. Maybe I had a typo the last time?

    Anyway, thanks for visiting me and fake-partying at my place! =)

  144. Thanks for the giveaway, and I made it through your post, yay! Great post, feels like a real party!

    I'm a SAHM and I love the name of your book, I will definitely check it out!

    fineinsanity (at) live (dot) com

  145. GFC follower (mom2anutball)

    fineinsanity (at) live (dot) com

  146. Facebook fan! (Sheila Hickmon)

    fineinsanity (at) live (dot) com

  147. My entries for your generous prize (Thanks!) are
    1. Comment
    2. Follow you on Twitter.

    Chanting....I hope I win..:)

    Oh and a 3."like" on Facebook. Love the #UBP11

  148. OOPS forgot to leave you my email on my entries comment post, I can be reached at terriwes at gmail dot com.

    Thanks again!

  149. Here from UBP11 adding you to my blog roll page. barb g.
    random fact: I'm legally blind.
    Here's my giveaway $50 mystery box!

  150. You are just so adorable! And your family is just so precious!

  151. Ahhh, I totally recognize you! How cool that you went on to lead a "normal" life!

    Following you on twitter (as screaminsardine) and following your blog.

    Stopping by from the UBP. So nice to meet you.

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

  152. I can tell just from reading your introduction post I'll be anything but bored after a month - LOVE your writing style! sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

  153. I follow publicly via GFC sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

  154. I follow you on twitter (luvmyrosie) sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

  155. I like you on FB (janice alvarez herberger) sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

  156. I think I'm going to come to your blog whenever I need comedic relief!

  157. Following you with Goggle Connect!

  158. I just found your blog, I like you on Facebook and you made me laugh out loud!

  159. Now I'm following your blog!

  160. You had me before the Hollywood pictures (at fake partying and MOPS just so you know). :)

  161. I follow on FB (Randi S)

  162. I follow on Twitter (sclubmama)

  163. I follow via GFC too :)

  164. we don't have much in common as you have done some incredibly awesome things - loved the clip of you on the wonder years.

    Here's my blog link:

  165. Follower via GFC - oh crap I forgot my random fact : I was maced once (but it is not as sinister as it sounds ;-) )

  166. following you on Twitter (CarmaSez)

  167. sounds like you have a very cool life so glad I stopped by here while partying at the UBP

  168. You must have had an interesting childhood...sounds like fun.

  169. I follow on GFC-jlindahlj

  170. I'm visiting you from the UBP and am now your newest follower!

    I love your humour and look forward to reading more. Yes, I am a Canadian and that's how we spell humour LOL.

  171. Wendy, you crack me up! I even stayed for the whole post. :) I wish I'd had such a good attitude when my kids were little - I was far too stressed to find humor in much.

  172. And, I follow your blog (have for a while - do I get longevity points for that?).

  173. I enjoyed your posting. I had a smile the entire time and laughed out loud at times. I will definitely be looking forward to your next post. I can relate so much to your home life, taking care of children and cat puke. I hate the same things about housework. I wish I stayed at home still. Your Christmas picture is GREAT! What a good looking family you have. Please stop by

  174. This is the 1st post from UBP11 that has made me laugh out loud. I can't wait to read more of your blog! I blog over at the Johns Family and would love for you to stop by to

    bamagv at aol dot com

  175. You are awesome Wendy!
    So much like me...except maybe I'm probably more cluttered...
    HAPPY UBP 2011!!!

  176. Stopping by to follow from UBP11

    I think its its 100% fabulous that you can identify the Gotcha sweatshirt. I'm pretty sure I follow on Twitter as @mamatomjr. My kids are little too, and close together. There's not too much glamour in my life either :o)

  177. You made me laugh--thanks! Even in your very short Twitter bio "No criminal record." LOL - Wish everyone was so candid. We may not have too much in common--I'm not a blogger, wasn't a child actress, and I don't get my hair & makeup done every 13 years (I know, I sound just a little bit envious--sorry). What we do have in common: we both love God and our families. So glad I met you. Thanks for participating in #UPB11

  178. Natalie V follows GFC (and you're still making me laugh "Don't be ashamed...")

  179. @Lexiquin follows you on Twitter.
    It was interesting reading why you don't automatically follow back. I am so ignorant--I don't even know how to use Hoot Suite!
    It would help if I had more followers (although maybe there'd be pressure to tweet something profound) because I am limited in how many I can follow (there must be some sort of mysterious ratio), meaning I can't keep adding unless I get more followers. When I first started using social media (a mere year ago), I blindly followed... In addition, there are always optional entries for following the host & the sponsor of a giveaway, so my numbers quickly added up. In fact, I had to unfollow someone before I was able to follow you :)
    I'm slowly weeding out some of the meaningless Tweeps I followed.

  180. Natalie J Vandenberghe likes you on Facebook

  181. LOL, love finding others with the same sense of humor (or sarcasm) that I do! Great post and blog.

    New follower, found ya through UBP11!

  182. Now following you on Twitter....I think, I hope I did it right, I a Twitter newbie . . . LOL

  183. I like you on FB.

  184. I bought, read, and loved your book.

  185. I saw you at MOPS at Coast Hills and thought you were hilarious and very honest...thanks!

  186. Following from UBP!
    Ry @
