Friday, November 30, 2007

Things are breaking in this house...

Pin It Now! First the washing machine broke. And it was only 7 years old. We got a new one and it is a front loader which is fun and exciting. Then a few days ago the tv in our family room broke. And that was only 6 years old. Where is the recall people? This morning Shiloh's car wouldn't start and the check engine light came on. That baby is 9 years old. Fortunately he was able to get it started, but now he has to take it to get checked. But the grand broken finale is that I broke my middle toe!

The other night I was walking in the dark from the kitchen to Lydia's room (bringing her water). Actually, it was more of a quick jaunt. When all of the sudden, a chair jumped out into the middle of my path and launched into my toe. It hurt like childbirth... or worse. No it was worse because with childbirth you can get an epidural quite early on - before you feel any real pain. Post a comment if you have broken a toe before and share my pain.

Oh and this isn't a broken item, but I did burn myself the other night. I was straining pasta using the lid and the boiling water escaped and jumped onto my stomach. It wasn't hospital worthy, but I have a nice sized puffy red mark on my stomach. Pin It Now!


Anonymous said...

Geez....that is pretty crummy. How is the chair? :)

Anonymous said...

You guys are falling apart!! sorry about your boo boo

Rosalyn said...

I've got complete empathy. I have broken seven of my ten toes! Not at the same time. Different times. Why? Combination of tall, clumsy and hecka long toes! Hang in there little buddy!

Rosalyn said...
Wen and anyone can see my bare naked toes! loves!

. said...

I love that we are not the only family that has EVERY thing break at once, our list for this week was the washing machine, Christmas tree and my truck. At least your washing machine was 7 years old, ours was on 1 year old when it broke this week.

Too bad I have been doing laundry for the past 48 hours straight.

Hope your toe feels better soon

Robyn Romrell said...

Hi Wendy--I talked to your mom the other day and she gave me your blog info. Hope all is well, you look great (love the darker hair) and congrats on #3. Miss you at the gym--miss your class. Had to send you a note because I just broke my big toe last night playing soccer!! Knew it the minute I kicked the wall and am being constantly reminded of the fact with each throb. Hope to see you soon. Robyn Romrell