Here is some more scoop from Debbie Alsdorf on the Design 4 Living Conference coming up this weekend! I am speaking at it so you should come and we could be friends or foes. (Just wanted to us the word foe since I never get to use it in real life.) One thing Deb forgot to mention is that there will be water activities and a leaf throwing party. Worth the money people, worth the money.
Leave a comment if plan on attending the party, I mean, conference!

For the past 6 years we have been doing a women's conference at Cornerstone Fellowship. It's a time for teaching, encouragement, worship and hanging out with other women. This year is going to be awesome. Our special guest is Elisa Morgan, best selling author of She Did What She Could.
It is a powerful book with a compelling message for women today. We have themed the entire conference around this powerful message that God gave Elisa, and I want each of you to hear it first hand. I want to celebrate how God changes your life through this message.
It's easy to think we have to do everything...but what if God is just asking us to do our part? What if God wants us to be aware of what WE can do?
We also will be laughing with Comedian Kerri Pomerolli, and enjoying the music of FFH, live and in concert from
Friday May 21st 6:30-9:30
Saturday May 22nd 8:30-3:00, continental breakfast and lunch included
You can choose two break out sessions. Here are a sample of some of the sessions:
Life in the Motherhood: with Wendy Hagen... Learn how to reduce the frequency of MBD's ( Mental Breakdown Days) by taking care of yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Becoming Your Spouses Better Half: with Rick Johnson...Go beyond tolerating your spouses differences to using them to add spice and passion to your relationship.
Getting Off the Food Merry-go-Round: with Gari Meacham... Dieting doesn't work, it is a carnal way of handling a spiritual problem. This is about disordered eating,( over eating, or under eating) and how to get away from the mental bullying food has enslaved us to.
I Didn't Make Cheerleading: with Kerri Pomarolli...most women struggle with wanting to 'fit in". Get over feeling like you are on the outside looking in and allow Jesus access to heal all broken places in your heart.
Responding to Rain, Finding God in the Storm: with Dayspring Tomkins...become aware of your responses to what life throws at you. Learn practical steps to make it through each storm. God may not stop the rain, but under His cover you will not get as wet.
The Invisible Bond of Sex, Breaking Free from you sexual past: with Barbara Wilson...Combining scientific research with Scripture to offer striking new insights about what sexual bonding is, why it is harmful and how to move freely into your future.
There is so much can see more of what to expect at
I hope you will come to the Design4Living Conference. Bring a friend...Or come with you small group and get a discount when you purchase 10 tickets. I have asked the team to extend the early bird special on out...because I want every women to have the opportunity to be there.
And, if you know of someone who really wants to come, or needs to come, but can't due to finances. Please let us know. We have a scholarship fund that has is in place, supported by women who want everyone to be there too!
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That conference sounds fabulous. I wish I could come... the speakers look rad. especially this gal named Wendy! I hear she is off the hook!
I will be there! I can't wait! And my darling daughter is coming down from Redding to come with me~even better. I am so excited!! The conference is the best!! I have come to them for years and they are so wonderful. I invited several women and hopefully all my group will be there... except the one who will be in Mexico. :)
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