Friday, June 29, 2012

$25 for 3 copies of Totally Desperate Mom

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The  Plum District deal is live.
Totally Desperate Mom $25 for 3 copies of the book plus free shipping. And 10% goes to Shepherd's Gate which is a shelter for battered and homeless women and children. If you refer a friend and they purchase a deal . . . BOOM. You get $5 of Plum Dollars to spend.

Stock up for baby shower gifts, give it to a friend, hand it to a mom at a park who has one child melting down and the other one saying "I have to go potty. Now. Really bad" and there is no bathroom at that park, keep a copy for yourself, give it away at your MOPS group. Shoot . . .  it's such a deal you could just use it for a coaster. Go get the deal!
Please spread the word! Thank you.

What one mom said about Totally Desperate Mom . . .
The biggest thing that I attest about this book is that it's HONEST. She loves her babies and being a Mom with all her heart but she also tells you about the times that are HARD and the feelings that may be challenging when you're in the midst of them. I appreciate that. I also appreciated her spiritual perspective but I do have to disagree with a few statements from other reviews that said her view could be related to any religion. She has a relationship with Jesus who's love she portrays to her children and she writes about it frequently. That's not a bad thing!

This book gave great suggestions and was obviously written by someone who knows what they're talking about. I think that I would recommend reading parts of it before you have babies then again after you're done with "the black hole" moments as Wendy refers to them. You'll laugh, you'll DEFINITELY cry (but she'll warn you ahead of time so you know when it's coming). I found Wendy's writing refreshing and am excited to read the sequel- or maybe just those future blog posts with more parenting words of wisdom.
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