We went on the play date of all play dates last week. I'm telling you, Cami should really start charging people to come play at her house.
1. The plethora of paint brushes she provided was enough to keep my hoarder very happy and secure.

2. Have you ever seen this many little frogs within arms' reach? A litte boy's heaven. Cody and Elijah spent hours collecting frogs and relocating them to "Club Med."

3. She has a special sprinkler that shoots water. Amazing, I know.
4. She has a really cool camera that she let me play with. Thus, the ridiculous amount of photos on this post.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
My attempt to get a shot of my three kids with bribery. A jelly belly goes a long way.

Exhibit C:
This photo shoot (I was allowed 3 pictures) cost me another jelly belly.

Exhibit D:
This shot was bribe-free. Only because 2 of the 3 girls did not belong to me. So my girl then wanted to jump into the picture.

Ahh! Your kids are adorable. :)
Those frogs? Yeah. I would have thought they were rocks. Then I would have shrieked when I realized they weren't.
Holy cow! That IS a lot of frogs! Unreal!
Thanks for sharing your play date. I feel like I got to play along :-)
Wow, that looked like a fun playdate! Except the frogs kinda freak me out. *shudder*
Great pictures! Love the sibling one with Elijah in the tree!
Ok, hands down favorite picture is the one of your little hoarder. Classic!!
That sprinkler picture is priceless!!!
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