When Elijah looked up and saw all his fans he could not believe it. And so begin his perma-grin.

And our neighbors (who are also some of our best friends) brought lots of signs and Elijah's head on a stick. Our other dear friends brought balloons. We waved the signs and cheered for his team. When Elijah scored we all chanted "ELI-JAH! ELI-JAH!"

Meanwhile, the coach from the other team (who I named Bitter Bob) was stomping around, cussing, and yelling at the refs. After all, it is third grade basketball. I imagine our chanting and cheering did not help his grumpy bugs or the fact that we crushed his team 27-4. Sorry Coach, you're messing with the wrong Totally Desperate Mom. . . and her peeps.
After the game I had cupcakes for everyone as per Elijah's request - chocolate cupcakes with chocolate cookie dough centers, cream cheese frosting, and one M and M on top. I just made box cake mix and shoved a pre-made hunk of cookie dough in and baked it in the cupcake. I made the cream cheese frosting from scratch because I have two skills and that is one of them. It wasn't the best-looking, Pinterest-perfect cupcake (shocker, I know), but it tasted amazing. At least that's what my body said when it told me to keep eating them.
Elijah said it was his best birthday ever. Even better than his party. So if you are looking for a cheap way to make your kid's birthday into a lifetime memory . . . at least put your kid's head on a stick.
That is awesome and his smile is contagious.
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