Saturday, December 22, 2007

Due July 24th

Pin It Now! I had my first Dr. appt on Monday and found out that I am due on July 24th...and there is only one! Today my Mom took me maternity shopping. I asked the gals at that worked at the store how far along they thought I was. All four of them said "5 months." Close, people, close. Try 9 weeks. They asked if I was having twins.
I have several events yet to post, but since I am not feeling well 90% of the time I have been slow to the upload. So here are a few pics until then...

Pin It Now!


. said...

Well at least you have a nice seasonal spread on the kids....a winter baby, a spring baby and now a summer baby....what should we do about the fall :) Hope you start to feel a little better in the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Oh W I love you! Hope you feel better and sweet Anakin costume for Elijah ha ha.