Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Don't Need an Interior Decorator

Pin It Now! I've been doing some blog surfing and what I have discovered is that there are a lot crafty and artistically gifted women out there. Who blog about it. And then take and post professional pictures of their remodel, repaint, fancy-pants artwork, bedroom overhaul, professional-looking children's craft, etc. Moreover, they throw out designer words (that I have never even heard of) as if they were every day, common people vernacular. I'm not gonna say names, but you know who you are. And you probably wouldn't be caught dead reading this blog as it might corrupt your design savvy and make your eyes bleed so I am really not sure why I directed that last statement at you. But if by chance you are reading . . . I want you to know that this is a genetic condition. And I actually like looking at your pretty stuff.

Meanwhile, I am busting out kids' bedrooms that look like this. Jealous? It's not that our IKEA stuff didn't work out, it's just those high quality shades are actually behind those blankets doing a great back-up job of keeping the light out. It's not that Shiloh's Grandma's colorful quilt and the Care Bear blanket don't make completely stylish window coverings. Nor am I saying that Shiloh's use of beach towels to block the night light from Jordis is not an obvious decorator's touch. And I am confident that an expresso finished sleigh bed totally coordinates with cinnamon stained baby furniture. And the pseudo matching nightstand from the 1940s does tie it all together . . .

I guess what I am saying is that I would like a better camera.
And if I wanted to have a blog that featured beautiful rooms with coordinated junk and stuff I totally could. I would just have to sell my house over and over again and pay professional stagers and have a professional photographer to take photos. And we would have to move in with my parents to maintain aforementioned designafication (BAM - just used my own designer word!).

P.S. Stop what you are doing and go take photos of your Dirty Minivan. Do not manipulate it's condition. Let it live freely as it does in its everyday life. It's about time for the second annual DMV competition here. If you don't know what I am talking about and have always wanted a rubber chicken . . . check out last year's competition.
Pin It Now!