Erin at Bringing up Burns.
She won with 55% of the votes. Did I mention that Erin won the Most Cluttered Purse Contest last year? She is full of love! Erin will be receiving a lovely rubber chicken to further decorate her ride as well as $40 credit to Michelle's Scentsy store. Even though her SUV wreaks, her house doesn't have to!
Here is an example of a Scentsy Candle (go Bruins!). You plug it in and it brings light and a sweet scent to the room. Headless Belle Barbie not included.
Congrats to Anita who came in second with 30% of the votes! Several people expressed how hard it was to make the call between Anita and Erin. I do believe it was Erin's porta-potty (in the form of a McDonald's cup) that pushed her over the top. Oh yea, and the beer too.

Erin and Anita, you should definitely take a road trip together. You would have everything you need and then some. I bet it would be a blast!

Erin and Anita, you should definitely take a road trip together. You would have everything you need and then some. I bet it would be a blast!
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all of the competitors and give them some make-believe awards:
1. "Best Side Door Action" goes to Busy Mommy Media.
2. "Best Use of Space" for her Center Console goes to Barbie
3. "Car You Want to Have With You in Space" goes to Michelle at idontbelieveingrammar
4. "Your Car Was Really Not That Bad so your Husband Should Take You Out to Dinner" goes to Carol-Ann.
5. "Mostly Likely Provide Meals" Mel at The Larson Lingo (She had the other 15% of the votes)
6. "Coolest Van Ever" goes to Holly Hatch Grabeel
7. "Most Likely to Flash Barbie's Booty at You" goes to Heather at Cookie Mondays
8. "Most Potential to Take Home the Chicken Next Year" goes to Krsiten at The Supan Clan.
9. "Most Caffeinated Ride" goes to Janie Taylor.
10. "Most Equipped to Go Camping and Most Likely to House Old MacDonald Until Next Year's Contest" goes to Amy at Una Mama Loca
11. "Most likely to be Mistaken for a Gangta Minivan" goes to Anita and her graffiti-skilled daughter
Those were some pretty incredible rides, I must say. I am glad you gave out those special awards. I can't wait for the acceptance speeches!
ahhhhh. good times!
Being able to say, "Thank GOD someone has a messier car than I do" is really quite touching and has made me smile more than once as I quickly glance at my back seat every time I get in my car. Thanks Wendy! ... Oh, and Erin, I will SO be using the McDonalds cup potty idea when we have kids someday! Thanks for the great tip!
I did not realize that Erin was the winner of the purse contest. I am impressed!!!!!
And for the record, I have cleaned my car in the last few days. It should be good for at least another 2 days before the pile-up begins again.
LOL. I'm sooooo showing this to Keith. Will let you know if I actually get a dinner out of it :)
Congratulations, Erin! And, Congrats to all those who received a "fake" award! :)
Congrats Erin! And, great effort Anita! As last year's defending champ...I gladly pass on the title to Erin! The rubber chicken will be mailed to you soon :)
And, I happily accept 3rd place & the "most likely to provide meals" award. Thank you, thank you very much :)
I think there was a bit of confusion as to WHERE to vote. I know I received two votes on my blogpost/entry... one from my hubby and one from Cathy M. (And, I just realized I didn't vote for myself. What a dufus am I -- LOL?!) But, I'm glad that Erin won the official rubber chicken! :)
We were supossed to vote for ourselves?? I'm no good at that.
My husband wants to know how come the winner doesn't get a free CARWASH! HA. I told him 'cause that's no fun. Total waste of $$.
But ended up getting one anyhow - instead of paying for marriage counseling! =)You can read my Redcoat post on the blog today.
Anita - move down the street, please! I can't carpool with anyone, cause they are afraid of putting their kids in my car. YOU, I know would understand!
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