I think Elmo might be the anti-Christ. We have introduced him to 22-month old Jordis and she wakes up in the morning calling for him. When we put on Sesame Street for her she digs it -- so long as Elmo is on the screen. When they put on real life people or another monster . . . "ELMO! ELMO! ELMO!"
Big brother Elijah drew this picture for Jordis.
Big brother Elijah drew this picture for Jordis.
She loved it.

Yes, Elmo is from the devil. haha! Kate was also obsessed with elmo at that age. Claire recently discovered Elmo (aka Melmo in Claire talk) a few months ago & like Jordis shouts "Melmo, Melmo" at the TV. Kate has a bunch of Elmo underware & she gave them to Claire because Kate claims that she is too old to like Elmo now.
Such the budding artist! I love his attention to detail including Dorothy and her fish tank.
I am a new blog stalker. Our daughter, Kate Elizabeth, is also 22 months old. Elmo is her hero. We went to see Sesame Street Live and she looked like she was going to pass out when Elmo took the stage!
Mel - that is hilarious. Too cool for Elmo. It happens.
Cheryl - We were quite impressed too!
Jennifer- Welcome. I bet we'll have a lot in common. And live elmo? Yea, that's enough to kill a kid.
I am thankful my children never liked Elmo! :) We just have a love of insects, legos and when they were younger it was Bob the Builder (for the boys) and Dora (for my girl). :)
Aww, love Elmo! My 5 year old was obsessed with him...Elmo essentially taught him to potty train after months of me trying. So yes, maybe he is the antichrist brainwashing our kids...my other 2 loved him as well.
Love the picture :)
Okay, my kiddo has no interest in Elmo but is all about Barney and I swear if he ends up like this little boy in the videos, I'm going to drop him off at a local fire station.
I love his attention to detail including Dorothy and her fish tank.
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