And to my mom - Mom, this is your Mother's Day card. Hope you like it better than whatever your other children give you. Sorry you have to share this card with the winner of my "Bless Your Mom" giveaway. But if you're interested you can scroll down to see who won over $250 in prizes. It wasn't you and for that, I'm sorry.

1. What is your best childhood memory with your mom?
I remember my mom taking me on a lot of auditions. Being a child actor is more work for the parent then it is for the kid. We drove to San Francisco quite a bit for auditions and go-sees. I also remember how nervous she would be about driving in San Francisco - lots of one way streets and big hills. And after I got an agent in L.A. we would drive and fly down there from the Bay Area auditions. Sometimes in just a 24-hour time span. We spent a lot of time together on I-5 and stopping at Harris Ranch or Buttonwillow/McKittrick motels and restaurants. But what I don't remember is my mom ever pushing me, coaching me, or stage momming, which is awesome and unique with children in the entertainment business.
2. Was she consistent in her discipline? (Hint: Please say no. But if the answer is yes—don’t lie . . . unless your mom taught you to lie.)
She was consistent in that she was not much of a disciplinarian. She was more of a push-over. She was so patient and calm. I don't know how she survived all the fighting between me and my brothers.
3. Did you ever make your mom cry because you were so unruly or disobedient?(When I pushed my mom too far she would say, “I quit. You can go find a new mom.” That was her form of crying.)
I remember one time I called my mom the "B" word. I was probably in 5th or 6th grade. I don't know if she cried then, but she should have. I know there were many times we (me and my 2 brothers) pushed and pushed and pushed until she would finally say "I quit. Find a new mom." Then we felt really bad. I can remember a few times when we made her cry, but I cannot remember exactly what we did. But we sure did fight a lot.
4. Do you remember any of the special things your mom did for you?
When we went on the auditions in San Fran she would often make a detour so we could go the ESPRIT outlet. She liked to buy me clothes. Still does. She is a shopper.
5. Did she teach you anything really significant?
My mom taught me a lot of things. How to cook was not one of them, but she used to make some stellar burritos and offered them to anyone who came to our house. Or she would make a batch of them for friend who liked them. I learned hospitality and generosity from watching my mom. Our house was always and open door and our pantry and refrigerator were always fair game to any of our visitors. When my friends and I needed a place to hang out we often went to my house. My friends felt comfortable there and knew they were welcome anytime. When my kids grow up I hope our house is the go-to house for hanging out. My mom is the most generous person I know. Just ask anyone who has been around her for more than an hour. She loves to give gifts and loves to take care of people.
And the winner of a bunch of cool stuff is . . . EOS mom! She was commenter #7!
Congratulations!!! Please email me so you can collect all your goodies!
And to a big thank you to my prize-donating friends!
You look a great deal like your mother. That notable to someone like me because my mom and I also look so much alike. In fact we've been mistaken at times for being brother-and-sister instead of mother-and-son (even though she's 22 years older than I am). Happy Mother's Day, Wendy.
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