Thursday, July 28, 2011

You're Pregnant. And you Have Cancer.

Pin It Now! You relocate from California to Texas at 18 weeks pregnant because hubby takes a job as a pastor at a church there.
Six weeks later you have some pains which you think are complications from your pregnancy so you go to the doctor.
Doctor finds a large mass.
It's cancer.
Stage 3 colorectal cancer.
You are 24 weeks pregnant. You have two other young children.
Meet Wren Horn. This is her reality.

She starts chemo next week. The goal is to keep the baby in until she is 32 weeks pregnant.
Then deliver the baby, more chemo, surgery.
This Totally Desperate Mom friend needs our love and support.

I met Wren in last year when I spoke at her MOPS group in Santa Maria. She is a doll. Upbeat, sweet, loving, encouraging, and she loves her husband . . . if any of you have heard me speak about "Taking Care of Mom" then you will remember my 30-day marital challenge. Wren did it. And then got pregnant with this little one :)

Please join me in praying and encouraging Wren as she kicks cancer's butt and welcomes a sweet little girl into a world.

Please go join Wren's support page on Facebook. Drop her a comment and let her know that you are praying for her and cheering her on. I know the encouragement will bless her.

You can also read updates about her situation on their new church's website.

And if anyone knows anyone in the band Gungor then send them a link cuz she really likes their song "Beautiful Things." Maybe they could call her and sing it to her over the phone or show up at her front door or something.
I see they will be on tour in Texas in Sept. and October. Somebody - hook it up! Pin It Now!