This week I have a guest fashion expert. Actually, she is more of a makeup stylist. Meet 21 month old Addie (my friend's kid). Addie caught the Captain Jack Sparrow trend early. And she realized it wasn't just for the dudes. Pink beards are all the rage. She made a nice choice with MAC's "Touch" while her mother was sick and Dad was on watch. Or not watch.

I am thinking she may have also eaten the lipstick from the look of stupor on her face. That or she was posing for her TMZ mug shot after she got busted.

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You weren't kidding with the foreshadowing!!! And oh my gosh, Tori is 21 months old, too. I'm praying it's a phase.
She still gives me the exact same empty/blank stare when she is questioned for misbehaving, I guess they are who they are from an early age! (so why try?!?)
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