Today Jordis got her work out on. She started with a little yoga and then moved into full cardio.
This pose is called "Lift the Plank."

Everyone knows "Eat the Plank."

Hmmm... "What's my next pose yoga master?"

And she finishes strong with a cardio boost. It is the next big thing in baby exercise. It's called "I'm too big for my bouncy seat."
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So susie fitch and ted are my aunt and uncle, and I found your HILARIOUS blog through their facebook. My Husband and I only hope to have kids as adorable, sweet and entertaining as yours. So I'm gonna freely admit I look forward to the blog, and my sister-in-law has added "I got poop on my fingers" into her daily vocabulary. Thank you again, and God Bless!
you say Lydia - but I'm pretty sure that's Jordis???!!!!
Found your blog through Lorri Steer's. Your posting title caught my eye because I always wanted a fat baby. I love the fat thighs and chubby cheeks. It's the one time in life when it's okay both looks and healthwise. My son didn't have those coveted fat thighs but what he didn't have in weight he more than made up in height. Anyway, you gave me a laugh and a long ago memory of my son as a baby.
ha, ha ha. Thanks Amy. You know you are a desperate Mom when you don't know your own children's names.
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