Friday, April 03, 2009


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Me and the kids went to the park with Elijah's preschool pals. One of them gave him this "treasure" and some gold coins. Elijah was pumped about them. Wouldn't you be? On the way home he said, "Mom, I need to get the Batman band-aids for Tucker. I told him I would pay him for the treasure with all of my Batman band-aids." Classic.

Apparently, I need to teach Elijah some better bartering skills.
Here is how it all went down in Elijah's own words (it's bout a minute and half). Oh, and at the end of the video Lydia had to pipe in with a repeat of Elijah's answer to the question "What Do Mommy's Do?" I guess I showed them the video one too many times. She nailed it. Atta girl.

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