Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Raw footage of the Desperate Mom

Pin It Now! I got a new camera a few hours ago. My maven man Shiloh did a ton of research and then came home from Costco with the Canon PowerShot SX200IS. Thank your sir. But why do they call it that? Shouldn't camera's have names like "The Mom Camera" or "Awesome Shooter" or "Easy, but Good" or "More Features Than You'll Ever Use?" The letters and the numbers are just so lame. Oh well.

My other camera broke. It gave me the lens error, restart camera for no reason. That camera should have been named "Lens Error After 3 Years" because I found many other peeps online with the same problem. Anyway, Shiloh wanted to give this baby a test run.
So here I am. On the spot. Raw. Untouched up (clearly). I have a straggle hair down my forhead (baby bangs?). A princess crown clip in my hair. Shiny face (leftover sunscreen from earlier today and barely any makeup) highlighted by a significant red spot on my nose. Red spot is from Monday's biopsy of possible skin cancer. Wear your sunscreen fair maidens. Wear your sunscreen.

And here I am. One hot Mama. Sorry that the story of my day was cut short. The camera guy got bored. But believe me, I had a lot more to say.
Shiloh just walked in the room as I am typing and said, "You're seriously blogging about your camera story?" Where is the love? I'll keep him for his research abilities.
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