Monday, October 05, 2009

Speaking Engagements

Pin It Now! Here is a link to my talk from our Women's Bible Study a few weeks ago. (It should open up in your itunes.) It comes from chapter three of A Different Kind of Wild by Debbie Alsdorf. The chapter/talk is called "Wild Women Live in Process, Not Perfection."

I will be speaking this Wednesday (10/7/09) at Mother's Together at Community Presbyterian Church in Danville on "Good Grief." Email me if you want more information or just show up and bring me some treats or flowers or something cool. Childcare is available.

Here is a brief description of my talk:
Grief is kind of like riding a roller coaster with no seat belt, blind folded, in an amusement park with no decent snacks and shady ride operators. Miscarriage. Stillborn. Infertility. Loss of a child. Divorce. Death of a parent. Many of us have been there. Wendy will talk about her experience with grief and how walking through it with the great Comforter can bring about “good grief.” Additionally she will share practical ways to support someone who is in the midst of grief.

This is what Lydia and Jordis do when I speak. It's that good.
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