I am back for the fourth year in a row to virtual party with you for the Ultimate Blog Party. I almost didn't make it because of . . . life. Three kids, two old cats who are on meds, a one-year old labradoodle puppy, and a husband of nearly 15 years. And you know, all that goes along with such things. In fact, right now I am sitting on our office chair that is peppered with cat throw up and a lake of cat throw up on the carpet beneath me. And my husband is letting it "dry out" until he cleans it. 36 hours later, I have only stepped on it once.
But other than that, you can find me on pinterest all day long making fabulous things like this.
Or you can find me taking selfies of myself when I am at my very best and the lighting is just so -
A few years ago I wrote a book called Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood. It's a book of encouragement and humor for moms with young kids. So if you find yourself in that category or know someone in that category or are expecting to be in the category or if you just like my overuse of the word "category" then go read the first chapter. And then buy the book. I am having a Mother's Day special this week only - $24 for 3 copies and free shipping. Details here.
Some other junk about me:
1. I was a child/teen actress and I don't have a criminal record. Got out when I was about seventeen. Had a great experience. Lived out my childhood dream. Met some cool people. Made some long-lasting friendships. Wore some amazing clothes. And have blogged about it.
2. Ditched Hollywood for a normal life and went to UCLA. And met my husband there on a church retreat with Bel Air Presbyterian Church. I love all things Bruins.
3. Have three hilarious and wonderful and challenging and beautiful and frustrating and smart kids - Elijah (9), Lydia (6), Jordis (4). Every few years we accidentally get a pic with everyone looking at the camera. This was an impromptu shot taken after church on Easter. And yes, my 4-year-old chose to the wear this pop-star dress for her Easter dress. Stylin' Saturdays are about such wardrobe choices.
4. Married for almost 15 years to Shiloh. Love him. He is the most thoughtful, loyal, sensitive, wise person I know. But we still have disagreements, mood swings, bouts of selfishness, and frustration. So it ain't perfect, but we are committed to each other and we love each other deeply. And like each other's company . . . most of the time. And when I was pregnant he essentially called me fatty arms . . . so there's that.
5. For the last few years, I have been traveling the country speaking at various women's events - MOPS and moms groups, conferences, retreats and the like. I love it. I love encouraging women in their faith and in their motherhood journeys. For my schedule and topics and all that action you can go on my website.
6. Some things I love - Jesus, hot chocolate, Switchfoot, Settlers of Catan, So You Think You Can Dance?, Downton Abbey, working out (well I kind of hate it, but I think it is important and it makes me feel good emotionally and physically) and Persian food.
7. I mostly blog funny stuff. Motherhood stuff. Stuff that won't make you feel worse about your life because mine is so good - but stuff you can relate to and laugh at. Because I am not afraid to show you the ugly. As of late I have been a bit of a blog neglecter. But you can find my "lazy blogging" on my facebook page.

And if you have come here searching for cash and prizes I offer you only . . . some books. Totally Desperate Mom books. That you could probably sell at a garage sale for 50 cents. Good luck.
Fine, I'll also offer up a $10 giftcard to Starbucks.
So here's the deal.
1. Like my facebook page and then leave a comment on this blog post that you did so and that you don't even regret it.
2. Follow this blog. And then leave a comment on this blog post that you did.
3. Feel free to unlike or unfollow after the books have been given away. Cuz if you don't want to be in this relationship, I won't keep you here.
4. I will pick 3 winners on April 13th by 6pm PST via random.org.
Happy fake partying! And tell me . . . do we have anything in common? If not, what should we have in common . . . in other words, what am I missing out on?

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But other than that, you can find me on pinterest all day long making fabulous things like this.
Or you can find me taking selfies of myself when I am at my very best and the lighting is just so -
A few years ago I wrote a book called Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood. It's a book of encouragement and humor for moms with young kids. So if you find yourself in that category or know someone in that category or are expecting to be in the category or if you just like my overuse of the word "category" then go read the first chapter. And then buy the book. I am having a Mother's Day special this week only - $24 for 3 copies and free shipping. Details here.
Some other junk about me:
1. I was a child/teen actress and I don't have a criminal record. Got out when I was about seventeen. Had a great experience. Lived out my childhood dream. Met some cool people. Made some long-lasting friendships. Wore some amazing clothes. And have blogged about it.
(This is the retreat when we met. Infants)
(After a UCLA basketball game.)
3. Have three hilarious and wonderful and challenging and beautiful and frustrating and smart kids - Elijah (9), Lydia (6), Jordis (4). Every few years we accidentally get a pic with everyone looking at the camera. This was an impromptu shot taken after church on Easter. And yes, my 4-year-old chose to the wear this pop-star dress for her Easter dress. Stylin' Saturdays are about such wardrobe choices.
4. Married for almost 15 years to Shiloh. Love him. He is the most thoughtful, loyal, sensitive, wise person I know. But we still have disagreements, mood swings, bouts of selfishness, and frustration. So it ain't perfect, but we are committed to each other and we love each other deeply. And like each other's company . . . most of the time. And when I was pregnant he essentially called me fatty arms . . . so there's that.
5. For the last few years, I have been traveling the country speaking at various women's events - MOPS and moms groups, conferences, retreats and the like. I love it. I love encouraging women in their faith and in their motherhood journeys. For my schedule and topics and all that action you can go on my website.
6. Some things I love - Jesus, hot chocolate, Switchfoot, Settlers of Catan, So You Think You Can Dance?, Downton Abbey, working out (well I kind of hate it, but I think it is important and it makes me feel good emotionally and physically) and Persian food.
7. I mostly blog funny stuff. Motherhood stuff. Stuff that won't make you feel worse about your life because mine is so good - but stuff you can relate to and laugh at. Because I am not afraid to show you the ugly. As of late I have been a bit of a blog neglecter. But you can find my "lazy blogging" on my facebook page.

And if you have come here searching for cash and prizes I offer you only . . . some books. Totally Desperate Mom books. That you could probably sell at a garage sale for 50 cents. Good luck.
Fine, I'll also offer up a $10 giftcard to Starbucks.
So here's the deal.
1. Like my facebook page and then leave a comment on this blog post that you did so and that you don't even regret it.
2. Follow this blog. And then leave a comment on this blog post that you did.
3. Feel free to unlike or unfollow after the books have been given away. Cuz if you don't want to be in this relationship, I won't keep you here.
4. I will pick 3 winners on April 13th by 6pm PST via random.org.
Happy fake partying! And tell me . . . do we have anything in common? If not, what should we have in common . . . in other words, what am I missing out on?
I liked you on Facebook and I followed the blog! And I totally don't regret it!!! ;-) You are so funny, how could I??? :-)
I like you on FB...you keep me laughing!! No regrets at all!!
I follow your blog too!
I am totally jealous you met Zack Morris! My Hollywood friend isn't nearly as good looking. (Bill Chott, from The Ringer). I have subscribed here and on Facebook as well.
already follow you on FB - because after hearing you speak in Arizona, I was glad to know someone as cool as you was also as nuts. :) (and totally real).
I follow your blog!
I just liked you on FB! I don't regret it yet, but it's only been like a minute and half... :)
I joined MOPS for the first time this year. I love it. It's been such a blessing to me. I subscribed via email to your blog and I follow you on Facebook. (I actually did it before I saw the giveaway, BONUS!)
I follow your blog.....and you definitely DO keep it real !! Thanks for the laughs. :-)
I follow your blog and I LOVE IT...you DO keep it real (and hilarious). I just liked you on fb. Thanks for the fun. :-)
What we have in common (the short version): Jesus, loving husbands, beautiful kids, a sense of humor. What we do not share: love for UCLA (not really a college sports lover), fame and fortune, pictures with Winnie!
Love that I found you and that you are funny to boot. Off for a good long look around. Seriously, it probably will include liking you on facebook.
Leah @ Simple.Home.Blessings.
Thanks for stopping by from the UBP2013. New follower! Enjoyed your party post! Your kids are adorable, loved the Easter Pop Star dress. LOL.
Visiting from UBP13. What an interesting life and how great that you came out of the experience of being a child actress without the baggage that so many have. Congratulations on your book and the great public speaking work you're doing. Wish you much success. http://www.twoloonsandabook.com
I'm so excited to find you on Facebook! I get your email updates, but am on Facebook a lot more than I remember to check blogs. Absolutely love how real you are. :)
I like to follow you, and pick u up at airports and eat lunch ....this is sounding creepy isn't it??????
Facebook follower! Thanks for keeping it real and always making me laugh and feel like thank god I'm not the only mom out there!!
I'm a follower!! fo shizzle!!
Page liker, Blogger follower, a general Hagen Family Fan.
I'm a follower. I discovered your blog last year in the UBP. We have a lot in common - we both have kids, we are women, we are blonde... Granted you have 3 kids and I only have 2, you were an actress and I was (am) a nerd, so really, it's just the blonde thing.
Haha! I love this post and the photos. Life does manage to get in the way unless you make time for things, right :)
I like your facebook page. :)
Love the Easter pic!! The pop star dress is perfectly acceptable because it is pink! I agree with you on most of #6! I have never played Settlers, though... gotta try that one!
Amy - I need your info!!! You won. Need your email address.
Great blog! :)
We have EVERYTHING in common (well, actually, except the whole, hai guys, no big, but I totally chilled in Hollywood and was kind of a big deal thing. Oh, okay, and the whole, actually, I've gotten my crap together and already written a book thing.) BUT OTHER THAN THAT...we are of the exact same sensibility. I followed your facebook and didn't even regret it! I hope you'll check out my page. I think the pinterest fail would amuse you. http://www.parentwin.com/2013/04/ultimate-blog-party-2013.html
I’m late! I’m late! I’m stopping by from the UBP13. So, I'm not entering the giveaway but I have enjoyed reading a bit about you. I've been watching 'The Wonder Years' on Netflix with my grandson as of late. We're going to have to watch for you! He's in middle school so the story lines are perfect for him. He loves it! I hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.
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